
Average score 386 Reviews
Ruby Badass noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Pleasant place to come and eat with children, there are dishes to delight each member of the family up to the youngest, aged 2, who is welcomed with a high chair and served with a plastic cup. (Original) Endroit agréable pour venir manger avec les enfants, il y a des plats pour régaler chaque membre de la famille jusqu'à la petite dernière de 2 ans qui se fait accueillir avec une chaise haute et se fait servir avec un verre en plastique.

6 months ago
Sylvie Vittoz noted on Google

7 months ago
michelle avet noted on Google

7 months ago
Michel Guichardant noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Self-service Chinese catering. Good cuisine, varied choice of dishes. (Original) Restauration chinoise en libre service. Bonne cuisine, choix de mets variés.

8 months ago
alexandra-marie demolis leonelli noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very nice for a quiet lunch...there was enough choice 18 euros nothing to say. Very friendly and discreet staff. (Original) Très sympa pour un repas de calme il y avait assez de choix 18 euros rien à dire. Personnel très sympathique et discret.

8 months ago
Catherine Lamot noted on Google

8 months ago
Marilyne Jacq noted on Google

8 months ago
Thérèse Delattre noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Small Chinese restaurant, quite good overall, the waiters are there to clear the plates, quite varied dishes, varied plancha cuisine too. (Original) Petit resto chinois assez bon dans l ensemble les serveurs sont bien présents pour débarrasser les assiettes,plats assez variés , cuisine planchas variés aussi.

8 months ago
Jean-luc Ducarre noted on Google

8 months ago
Fred Manceau noted on Google

8 months ago

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